OK, we're being petty, but Page Rage is far preferable to Road Rage (and, by the way, we're sick of that term already).
Why resort to public conniptions at the ATM when we can
spleen safely right here?
It's a Crime
We're speaking of confusing "it's" and "its" which ranks verrrry high on our peeves list. For the record, Anglo-writers everywhere, "it's" is a contraction of "it is" (e.g., "Fasten your seatbelt, it's going to be a bumpy ride.") while "its" is the possessive of some "it" or another, (e.g.The boat lost its anchor."). Get it? If not, practice or risk looking not quite up to the job.
Pitney Bowes
We can barely bring ourselves to type the name. Better you should lick stamps three hours a day. Use one of the other postage meter service providers; PB does NOT have a monopoly, although they'd like you to think so. Shop around and if you are ever within 100 feet of a Pitney Bowes rep waving a contract, read the fine print and then Run!!
Really, guys, you're not fooling anyone! Plugs, weaves, jeez!! We prefer the boldness of bald. It's just so much more...honest. (One of us actually decided not to vote for a candidate in a recent election when told that the guy wore a rug. How could he be trusted?!) OK, we don't like Lex Luthor, but Patrick Stewart? Who'd complain? We'd like a website that lists all the rugrats in public life. Out them all! Tonsorial Truth !
Call Waiting
Aren't we multi-tasking enough, pressured enough and haven't good manners declined enough without this infernal "service" which forces the callee to choose between the incumbent caller and the interloping caller. The stress of deciding which caller to -- let's face it -- insult is waaaay too much for us. Think about it. We pay our phone company x bucks a month for this little trauma. What next, Shower Fax Waiting?